Maintenance Tips for the First-Time Homeowner

Maintenance Tips for the First-Time Homeowner

New homeownership sometimes comes with unexpected responsibility. If you’re a new homeowner or hoping to become one soon, check out these tips to make it easier to take care of your new home now and for years to come.

Indoor Maintenance Tips

  • Replace your HVAC filters every few months. This can help you cool and heat your home more efficiently while keeping your air cleaner. If you have pets or allergies, you may want to replace filters even more frequently.

  • Make sure there are smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home—and especially near sleeping areas. Then be sure to check them at least twice a year.

  • Periodically check your plumbing for leaks and drips—especially in areas you’re less likely to notice a problem.

  • Be proactive if things need electrical work to prevent fires and other serious problems. Don’t let little things like flickering lights or faulty outlets slide. Call an electrician when you notice them and get things fixed quickly.

  • Install a programmable or smart thermostat to efficiently regulate the temperature in your home and keep utility costs down.

  • Insulate your pipes during winter months to prevent freezing.

  • Consider replacing your windows if they’re older to improve your home’s value and insulation.

Outdoor Maintenance Tips

  • Keep a close eye on any trees near your home. Make sure branches are healthy and that they do not hang over your home, fence, car or someone else’s property.

  • Keep gutters and downspouts clear to prevent water damage to your home and roof. I suggest checking at least once per season.

  • Check your city and neighborhood rules about lawn care and snow removal to be sure you’re following local regulations. You may need to keep your lawn cut to a certain length or remove snow from sidewalks by your house in a specific amount of time.

I hope these tips help you enjoy your new (or upcoming) role as a homeowner!