Ways to Keep Your Utility Bills Low


As a homeowner, costs can really start to add up, so it never hurts to take measures to help you reduce your monthly utility bills. Below are a few ways to do just that!

Electricity Bill

Saving money on your electricity bill can be done multiple ways. Some notable changes include swap out traditional lightbulbs for LEDs, install a programmable thermostat, weather-strip a drafty door, and install energy-efficient showerheads and faucet aerators. Set aside time throughout the year to inspect the areas around doors and windows and seal any cracks with caulk or weather stripping. Additionally, make sure to unplug electronics when not in use or use a power strip to turn them all off at once. Keep your window blinds open throughout the day to maximize natural light and reduce the chances of you needing to switch on a light, and when you do have lights on in the house make sure they aren’t left on in rooms that no one is in. .

Water Bill

Your monthly water bill can sneak up on you, but small changes can be made to cut costs. Install WaterSense-certified faucets and shower heads and convert toilets to low flow to reduce the amount of water used. Make sure to regularly check toilets and sinks for leaks and repair them. Opt for using your dishwasher instead of hand washing and ensure its a full load each time. Also, don’t forget to turn off water while brushing your teeth and shaving.

Gas Bill

Investing in some changes up front can make a difference on your natural gas bill long term. Add insulation in your attic and around your water heater and pipes. Make sure to repair any leaks in your ducts, inspect your furnace regularly, and check your home for any blocked vents that could cause your gas heating system to work overtime. You can also reduce the temperature of your water heater.